Course curriculum

    1. What Is the Self

    2. The Physical Self

    3. Supporting Childrens Physical Self

    4. The Emotional Self

    5. Supporting Childrens Emotional Self

    6. The Mental Self

    7. The Spiritual Self

    8. Practical Illustration - Self-Awareness

    9. Chapter 1 Review Questions

    10. Chapter 1 Worksheet

    1. Awareness of the Physical Self

    2. Scanning

    3. Mindfulness Scanning in the Classroom

    4. Progressive Relaxation

    5. Progressive Relaxation in the Classroom

    6. Physical Stressors

    7. Supporting Children with Physical Stressors

    8. Exercise

    9. Consistent Exercise Regimen

    10. Encourage Children to be Physically Active

    11. Practical Illustration - Exercise

    12. Chapter 2 Review Questions

    1. Time Management

    2. Organization

    3. Keep the Classroom Organized

    4. Goal Management

    5. Teaching Children to Set Goals

    6. Priorities

    7. Teaching Children to Set Priorities

    8. Procrastination

    9. Children and Procrastination

    10. Practical Illustration - Setting Goals

    11. Chapter 3 Review Questions

    12. Chapter 3 Worksheet

    1. The Emotional Self

    2. Improve Your Emotional Self

    3. Validity of Emotions

    4. Utility of Emotions

    5. Practical Illustration - Utility of Emotion

    6. Emotional Arousal

    7. Emotional Valence

    8. Chapter 4 Review Questions

    9. Chapter 4 Worksheet

About this course

  • $85.00
  • 10 Clock Hours
  • All Approved States
  • Mixed-Age