Managing Disrespectful Behavior in the Workplace
CourseDisrespectful behaviors are not part of our jobs, and can lead to lower productivity, stress, and various long-term health issues. It is important to recognize disrespectful actions to deal with the problem and find a positive solution.
Respectful Communication Approaches at Work
CourseThis course is designed to help you develop strong communication skills that are essential for building healthy and successful work environments. You will learn how to show respect through communication.
The Inclusive Mindset at Work
CourseIn this course, you will learn what diversity and inclusion mean, why they are important, and how to promote them in your workplace. You will explore the benefits of having a diverse and inclusive team.
Employee Recognition: Appreciate and Motivate Your Team
CourseIn this online course, you will learn how to effectively recognize and reward your employees in a timely, specific, and meaningful way.
Understanding and Managing Anxiety for Educators
CourseThis course aims to help child care providers understand and cope with anxiety in their work environment, as well as improve their well-being and performance.
Managing Emotions at Work
CourseThis course will offer ways to understand emotions, ways to actively work on emotional intelligence, and adopt positive coping strategies which contribute to a healthier and more productive work environment.