Course Agenda

    1. Module 1 Learning Outcomes

    2. Occupation Vs Profession

    3. NAA Code of Ethics

    4. Assignment 1

    5. Qualities Of A Child Care Professional

    6. Expectations

    7. Attire

    8. Timeliness

    9. Being Prepared

    10. Interacting With Coworkers And Staff

    11. Assignment 2

    12. Social Media

    13. Attitude

    14. Confidentiality

    15. Confidentiality Has Limits

    16. Confidentiality Matters

    17. Assignment 3

    18. Professional Development of the Workforce

    19. Professional Development

    20. Core Competencies

    21. School-Age Care Profession

    22. Assignment 4

    23. Washingtons Professional Development System

    24. STARS ID Numbers

    25. Training Requirements

    26. Continuing Education

    27. Assignment 5

    28. STARS ID Assignment 6

    29. Washington Licensing Rules and Laws

    30. WACs

    31. WAC Assignment

    32. Assignment 7

    33. Assignment 8

    34. Records Reporting And Posting

    35. Assignment 9

    36. Lets Review Records

    37. A few more things to remember

    38. Assignment 10

    39. Confidentiality Required?

    40. Recommended Reading

    41. Module 1 Complete

    42. Module 1 Test

    1. Module 2 Learning Outcomes

    2. Child Growth and Development: Pre-Assessment

    3. The Basics

    4. Child Development in the School-Age Years

    5. Growth and Development

    6. Theorist: Erik Erikson

    7. Erikson

    8. Stages 1 Basic Trust vs. Basic Mistrust

    9. Stages 2 Autonomy vs. Shame Doubt

    10. Stage 3 Initiative vs. Guilt

    11. Stage 4 Industry vs. Inferiority

    12. Assignment 1

    13. Assignment 2

    14. Theorist: Jean Piaget

    15. Cognitive Development Stages

    16. Major Contributions

    17. Piaget's Stages of Development

    18. Assignment 3

    19. Assignment 4

    20. Theorist: Lawrence Kohlberg

    21. Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development

    22. Stages of Moral Development

    23. Assignment 5

    24. Developmentally Appropriate Practice and Theories

    25. 12 Principles of Child Development and Learning

    26. Assignment 6

    27. A Developmental Continuum

    28. Developmental Profiles: Physical Development

    29. Developmental Profiles: Emotional Development

    30. Developmental Profiles: Social Development

    31. Developmental Profiles: Intellectual Development

    32. Executive Function Defined

    33. Executive Function Example

    34. Self-Regulation

    35. Child and Youth Development Frameworks

    36. Module 2 Complete

    37. Module 2 Test

    1. Module 3 Learning Outcomes

    2. Observation and Assessment: Pre-Assessment

    3. Development of the Individual Child

    4. Temperament Types

    5. Why Observation

    6. Curriculum Cycle

    7. Celebrate Growth

    8. Red Flags and Atypical Development

    9. Speaking with Families

    10. Discussion Topic

    11. Assignment 1

    12. Assignment 2

    13. Recordkeeping 101

    14. Observing and Assessing Children

    15. Assignment 3

    16. Objective Vs. Subjective ​

    17. Objective Vs. Subjective ​Example

    18. Assignment 4

    19. Quantitative Vs. Qualitative ​

    20. Observing Children

    21. Assignment 5

    22. Recording and Documenting

    23. Recording Observations

    24. Assess

    25. Types of Assessment

    26. Observations

    27. Anecdotal Record

    28. Observation Tools

    29. Portfolios

    30. Youth Development Frameworks

    31. Assignment 6

    32. Examples of Youth Development Frameworks

    33. Assignment 7

    34. Recommended Reading

    35. Module 3 Complete

    36. Module 3 Test

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  • $9,000.00
  • 442 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content