Course curriculum

    1. Judge the Effectiveness

    2. Discussion Topic

    3. Circle Time Activity Example

    4. One Year Olds

    5. Considering Attention Levels: One-Year-Olds

    6. Two-Year-Olds

    7. Three-Year-Olds

    8. Considering Attention Levels: Preschoolers

    9. Four and Five-Year-Olds

    10. Considering Attention Levels: Pre-Kindergarten

    11. Circle Time Planning

    1. Observations and Behavior

    2. Prevention of Behavior Problems

    3. Discussion Topic

    4. Circle Time Must Be Guided

    5. Presenting Your Material

    6. Guiding

About this course

  • $19.00
  • 2 Clock Hours
  • All Approved States
  • Mixed-Age