Course curriculum

    1. Discussion Topic

    2. Social and Emotional

    3. Strengthen Social Skills

    4. Encouraging Creativity

    5. Creative Play and Playdough

    6. Language and Literacy

    7. Practice Vocabulary

    8. Calming Sensation of Playdough

    9. Stress and Anxiety

    10. Math and Playdough

    11. Shapes, Numbers, and Colors

    12. Science and Playdough

    13. Playdough and STEM

    14. Making Playdough is Scientific

    15. Kinesthetic Learners and Playdough

    16. Playdough for Special Needs

    17. Developmental Benefits

    1. Infants

    2. Accommodations

    3. Pumpkin Playdough

    4. Pumpkin Playdough Worksheet

    5. Infant Playdough

About this course

  • $19.00
  • 2 Clock Hours
  • All Approved States
  • Mixed-Age